Friday, December 9, 2011
The Mish Questionnaire #2
I'm not quite sure - it doesn't seem a lot different than having roommates. I have become more aware of my dislike of expressing what I don't like or what bothers me. I'm not the most open person. But I feel like I already knew that. I really have to trust somebody before I'll really talk to them.
What's the best thing about companions? Worst thing?
They are always there to help you - if it's teaching or while backing up the car (haha). Worst? You just get tired of each other. Sometimes you just want to talk to somebody else.
What did you admire most about Sister Hoyt? (her trainer) Or what do you miss most about her? (or not miss??)
She was always so good at noticing ways to serve, & she would just do them. She was always hopeful as well - never seemed to get down about the work. & she was really obedient, so that was great too. She was just kind of goofy, haha, we would find the craziest things to laugh about. I know she would agree, though, that we had trouble communicating, so I think we were both relieved to not have to try to communicate constantly. Haha.
What do you like/dislike about newest comp Sister Dyer?
Sister Dyer was awesome! She was always super happy - all the time. We laughed so much! And we just understood each other, which was so nice (so much easier when you naturally just know how to read somebody) She made me get up @ 6 though, haha, lame! I was always stinkin' tired!
What is the most important thing you have learned up to this point in your mission?
Most important thing learned? That's not a fair question. I'm not really sure how to answer this. I feel like I've learned a lot more of what the Spirit feels like for me, and how it speaks to me. I have learned so much about how to follow the Holy Ghost - and the incredible value it has on our lives. Nothing is worht doing if it takes away the Spirit.
Also, I think God is trying to teach me faith, patience, & humility. I'm still working on those things, though.
What is growing on you as you live in Arizona? What is bugging you most about AZ as time goes on?
The weird cacti aren't nearly so weird anymore - I hardly notice them anymore. I've gotten used to the brown as well - it's normal now. Hmm, you know, not a whole lot bugs me abt AZ. I miss seasons and rain though. I'll probably miss snow soon, too.
What is your usual breakfast/lunch?
Cereal is usual - so easy. Specifically, I really enjoy the Special K Granola. So good. But bagels is big too. Bagel french toast is an occasional thing. Never oatmeal - just too warm for mornings.
What are you favorite kinds of meals to be fed? What is the grossest thing you've been fed so far? Or something you get too much of?
Hmm, I really enjoy just real food & vegetables. We never get those it seems. We got roast with roasted potatoes & carrots & rolls last week. Oh my heck. It was good. Grossest? Subway's "chicken" breast sandwiches. Sick! Also Allibertos tacos are nast. All grease, no flavor. We get fed way too many subway sandwiches.
Where does the Mesa Temple rank among all the temples you've been in/seen? (As in prettiest, etc) And how often are you able to go do work inside the temple?
The outside is gorgeous, but no the prettiest. I really like the spires on temples. The inside is too dark for me - lots of darker stone & colors. I think Sac is still the prettiest inside (though inside Provo is nice.) We can go once a transfer (every six weeks).
What kind of goals do you often set for yourself?
We set "key indicator" goals daily, weekly & monthly. (How many lessons, referrals, new investigators, etc.) But more personal ones, I do, hmm....
As a missionary, what one item do you depend upon the very most every day?
Hmm, prayer. Though, technically that's not an item. After that my planner. W/O that I feel useless (where do we go? What's their address?) And if you need to leave a note. Planners are so important! Next is our phone. So hard to work w/o a cell phone. How Nath did it I'll never know.
When people ask where you are from do you say Texas, California, Colorado, or Utah?
Not California. Sorry, that's just where I'm flying "home" to. Not Texas (though A LOT of people ask where I'm from cause apparently I have an accent. I just tell them that I learned to talk in Texas. They usually accept that really easily. But I say Colorado. After that it would be Utah. I mean, that's kind of more true than CO. I always just felt like I was visiting when in CO.
What do they call your area of the mission?
"Las Sendas", though technically it's SU-23. The Superstition Zone or Salt River Stake really helps people get where we serve too.
Do you have a favorite scripture/spiritual thought/Gospel topic to share?
Not really - just try to find the one that will touch them the most & be what they need to hear. The 1st vision story is always nice though. The Spirit is always strong when you share that story.
On average, how many letters a week have you been getting in the mail? Are you feeling pretty up to date or out of the loop?
I've gotten quite a few, though each week varies a bit. Usually about 2, sometimes 3 a week. I feel a bit out of it, just cause I can't talk to people. I used to talk to people a lot more than now. Also, a lot of the letters don't really tell the full story, so I get confused. Like, "what!? what the heck?! What do you mean?"
A Baptism!
November 1, 2011
I am doing great. The weather here is perfect today, I am excited for a new transfer, aaand one of our investigators got baptized this week! :) Josh, who is 11, got baptized on Saturday, and it was wonderful. He is really the first person that I've taught/helped that has gotten baptized, so it was pretty special. Josh is doing great! He is so happy, and said that he felt "fantastic!" He is turning 12 in a couple days so will be getting the Aaronic Priesthood soon, and will be able to pass the Sacrament and get involved with the Duty to God program with Young Mens. It's pretty amazing to see him really going down the path that will lead him to the temple and on a mission. I love him a lot, it's been great to watch him make choices that will help him to grow closer to our Savior and will give him joy and peace. Sorry I don't have any pictures today, but I should have some next week when I email.
November 7, 2011
We definitely had some answers to our prayers this week...cause we got a new investigator! It was our first day in the area, and we were going over to visit a less-active member of Thunder Mountain Ward. Her mother is living there too, though, and we ended up teaching her a little about the Restoration and a lot about how the gospel blesses families. We gave her a Book of Mormon and committed her to read and pray about it; she said that she would. And then she invited us for dinner and a lesson this week, to have her husband and son-in-law meet us in a non-threatening way. I do know that she would like her daughter to get baptized, she's pretty much told us so, and so we will probably start teaching her this week as well. Hopefully we can teach the whole family and get them all to start coming to church again. :) It was Sister Kranendonk's first full-day with me, so that was a nice little blessing for her too. In some areas of teh mission, you get new investigators all the stinkin' time. In our area, they seem to be few and far between. Hopefully we can change that though, as we keep meeting with members and doing that kind of thing. When Sister Dyer came we really pushed the member lessons (where we taught the active members of teh wards the first 3 lessons) and saw a lot of miracles come when we did that. So, we're still doing those, and the cookie runs. The member lessons are great, because not only does it get the members to know us and trust us, but Sister Kranendonk and I need the practice time teaching lessons to real people.
They are starting Christmas Lights soon at the VC, and have been slowly putting them up. They'll start on Thanksgiving Day....can't wait! They bring in SO MANY PEOPLE. Apparently, there are times when you wonder if you can fit another person into the VC. It's going to be a lot of fun. Plus, we can listen to Christmas music! :) My poor companion is going to have to suffer through some German songs. It's just not Christmas without it. :)
The other is of a couple of our roommates, Aubrey and Hali. Aubrey is the neice of teh members that we live with, and so they share teh basement with us. They are so much fun, and super sweet. they baked a cake for Sister Dyer before she left. :) Ignore my weird face, I had JUST taken off my makeup and was getting ready for bed when they busted it out for a picture. Not fair. :)
November 15, 2011
Hello Everyone!
November 28, 2011
Hey everybody,
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
October Emails (and photos!)
October 3, 2011
October 11, 2011
October 24, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Mary's Request
Thursday, September 29, 2011
September Brings a Change (Emails)
September 27, 2011
It is kind of boring though....soon after that we were looking at the sky (we were locked out of the VC for a few minutes cause we got there when everyone else was in some meeting.) and we found an oasis. I'm pretty sure I just stood there for a good 30 seconds staring at those palm trees.
Doesn't it look like you could be on a hammock and staring at the sky and trees above. I imagined I could hear the ocean and everything....ah, it was wonderful. :) I'm going to have to go back there sometime soon. Haha The other one is of everyone that works at the VC. Sister Hoyt was going home, and so we had a group photo.
They are all such great people! I feel really lucky to serve there because then I have a ton of friends with the other missionaries, versus just seeing them once a week at district meeting. The last one is creepy, I know. But a couple got engaged! Haha, that's what sister missionaries do on a slow morning--watch the couples and other random crazies outside. But it gets slow and we get bored, so that's what they should expect really.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
August Mission Updates (Emails)
August 8, 2011
This last week here has been a little warmer....or maybe it's just more humid. Either way, I've been stinkin' hot. There have been some people that have come into the Visitor Center, that are here on vacation. I was like, "You are here for fun? In August? In Arizona?" It boggles my mind.
August 15, 2011
August 22, 2011
I called a girl in Germany the other day that said she wanted missionaries--totally realized how much I DON'T remember about that language. Even just understanding the street name and her address. Dang. So I emailed her the directions I found online and that kind of thing. Haha....but it was the best I could do!
We are still trying to find new people to teach all the time. We have a few potentials right now, it's just hard to actually get things going with that. People can be so fickle. Haha, just meaning that they don't keep appointments, or just don't answer their dang phones. Come on people! We have a message that will change their lives. It just isn't something worth putting off. We went tracting yesterday for the first time since I came (we've really just been focusing on getting member referrals as you all know). It was...hmmmm....quite hot. Haha, pretty sure I looked nasty the rest of the day. Sister Hoyt said my cheeks were nice and rosy. Pretty sure she was being extra nice. My cheeks are never nice when they are beet-red and hot. One man was busy but invited us back, named Jim Jones. He was really friendly, but I'm not sure how interested he is....a lot of people invite you back just to get rid of you. What they don't realize is that when they invite us back, we really do come. But, the way he was, I think he'll let us in to talk to him.
One of the people we have taught before is McKenna. She hasn't been baptized because her dad wants to do it, and he is not worthy or even actively trying to be. We have not even been able to meet with her since May (people are fickle, remember?) but have an appointment tomorrow. We are just going to commit her to be baptized on the 17th as well, and have her uncle do it. Her dad will hopefully agree, and allow McKenna to finally be baptized. She's been wanting it for a long time, and now that school has started we should be able to have regular appointments again. If not....I don't know. It feels wrong to drop a 13-year old girl that wants to be baptized just cause her dad is lame. But we've been trying for so long, people have to eventually just make their own decisions without us constantly reminding and prodding. Just do what you know is right. Bah!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
July Email Snippets

July 12, 2011 -
This weekend has been wonderful! After having essentially no time in our area this week, Saturday we actually caught people at home and were able to talk to's been hard to get a hold of people, so that was wonderful. Then Sunday, one of our new investigators came to church! She is super busy with a new business she's starting, but she had her family cover for her at work so that she could meet with us and come to church. She really enjoyed it and is looking forward to coming with us again and learning more. Now all we have to do is get her family interested and involved as well. We've been praying a ton that they will and that she will be able to make the time to see us with her family--a miracle is needed here, but that's no problem. We had a few little miracles just yesterday.

July 18, 2011 -

July 26, 2011 -

Thursday, July 21, 2011
The Mish Questionnaire #1

What thoughts were going through your mind during the flight to Arizona?
"This is crazy", "It'll be so hot", "Do I look good?" -(haha... I know, I know) "So many pools that I won't be going in, sweet!" ;) "Hope my trainer isn't psycho" I just wanted to be doing it. Sick of so many unknowns.
What was your first impression of your mission president? Be honest.
He's shorter than I expected! But he was really nice, I felt liked and not judged like I was scared of.
What is your first mission field companion like? Again, be honest...
She's crazy like me! And really good at serving people - I typically don't even notice them & she's serving them suddenly. We get along great.
What rule do you think will be hardest to keep in your mission?
Hmm... just small ones like lights out at 10:30, not 10:34. Being EXACTLY obedient to these things is harder than it sounds.
Does your mission have any weird traditions that you've discovered so far?
Not really weird. When the couple missionaries feed us we always sing to them afterwards. Every Christmas the whole mission does a session together. (Not that I've done that yet...)
Do you think you'll be able to handle the heat (of course, you don't really have a choice) Are there any tricks you've learned from the other missionaries to keep cool?
No tricks, & it's more bearable than I expected. I mean, it's hot, but it's okay. I'm already used to it. (105 feels nice now. Haha) I'm in a car now too, so I'm really lucky. Bikes are way worse.
If Arizona were infested with one thing (animal/bug) what would you say it is?
Lizards - the most. They are everywhere. Where I am, quails too. Oh! And bunnies. Quail babies are like the size of my thumb & so cute b/c of their smallness. Scorpions. 2 weeks on the mish, & I've already found 2 in my apt (That's a little unusual though. My companion has seen 6 her whole mission! She leaves in Sept.)
What is most striking about Arizona's landscape?
It's brown. Haha, the classic desert look is kinda cool. You would love it! The cacti look cool in the sunset. :)
What eating establishment doesn't exist in Arizona that makes you sad?
Ok, we haven't really gone out. They've got all the normal stuff here. We're going to "Bahama Bucks" soon, they do a combo ice cream/snow cone. It's apparently to die for. I'll let you know.
[Mary then drew an illustration with labels of what this ice cream/snow cone looks like]
Do you have to wear pantyhose after all?
NO! HAHAHA! WOOO! Nope, not at all. It's too hot. :)
Quickly sum up your daily schedule.
Up @ 6:30, jog, @ 7:00-8:00 shower, dressed. 8-9: Personal study, 9-10 comp study. 10-12: appts. 12-12:30 lunch, 12:30-2:15 proselyting, 2:15-9 VC, 9-9:30 plan for tomorrow. (Different tho is VC in the morning)
When can you write or email - and how much time is allowed for that? Are you allowed to view blogs or Facebook?
Only email page. only p-day. only one hour. & I gotta email mish pres. (varies Monday or Tuesday b/c of VC schedule)
Who are your most faithful writers? (Besides me of course)
AMBER! You are my number one. Then Mom (mostly with letters), Amanda next (with email).
Who surprised you most by sending you mail?
My old roommate, Liz.
Is there anything you need? Or would like to have now that you're out in the field?
nope - Walmart here. Wish I brought all my old skirts though. Luckily, there's a Kohl's in my area.
What was your first meal out in the field? or what was your first meal at a member's home?
In the field - senior missionaries made chickenpot pie, salad, homemade bread. SO GOOD! In member's home - sub sandwiches w/ fruit & chips on the side.
Your worst experience so far? Your best experience so far?
talking with a less-active, he seemed a bit anti - it was irritating, frustrating, & just sad. Best: Just talking abt the gospel w/ people that are interested. There's been a few of those and it's just awesome!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Mary left the MTC today and is probably in Arizona about now! This is when the real work begins. I updated Mary's address to her mission address (see sidebar) so you can already send her letters!
Current temps in her area are around 110 degrees! Looks like she has the new climate to adjust to, in addition to the new companion, place to live, community, and the missionary life. I'm sure she'd love to hear from all of you.
And for fun, try sending her all green stuff - green envelope, use a green pen, or even better send her a green package! Anything green. In our church many new missionaries out in the field are nicknamed a "Greenie". How long this "Greenie" time lasts may be determined by the what mission you're in. Some people say it ends once you change companions for the first time, and others say it ends once you are transfered for the first time. We'll have to find out from Mary what the Mesa, AZ mission is like!