What has living with companions taught you about yourself?
I'm not quite sure - it doesn't seem a lot different than having roommates. I have become more aware of my dislike of expressing what I don't like or what bothers me. I'm not the most open person. But I feel like I already knew that. I really have to trust somebody before I'll really talk to them.
What's the best thing about companions? Worst thing?
They are always there to help you - if it's teaching or while backing up the car (haha). Worst? You just get tired of each other. Sometimes you just want to talk to somebody else.
What did you admire most about Sister Hoyt? (her trainer) Or what do you miss most about her? (or not miss??)
She was always so good at noticing ways to serve, & she would just do them. She was always hopeful as well - never seemed to get down about the work. & she was really obedient, so that was great too. She was just kind of goofy, haha, we would find the craziest things to laugh about. I know she would agree, though, that we had trouble communicating, so I think we were both relieved to not have to try to communicate constantly. Haha.
What do you like/dislike about newest comp Sister Dyer?
Sister Dyer was awesome! She was always super happy - all the time. We laughed so much! And we just understood each other, which was so nice (so much easier when you naturally just know how to read somebody) She made me get up @ 6 though, haha, lame! I was always stinkin' tired!
What is the most important thing you have learned up to this point in your mission?
Most important thing learned? That's not a fair question. I'm not really sure how to answer this. I feel like I've learned a lot more of what the Spirit feels like for me, and how it speaks to me. I have learned so much about how to follow the Holy Ghost - and the incredible value it has on our lives. Nothing is worht doing if it takes away the Spirit.
Also, I think God is trying to teach me faith, patience, & humility. I'm still working on those things, though.
What is growing on you as you live in Arizona? What is bugging you most about AZ as time goes on?
The weird cacti aren't nearly so weird anymore - I hardly notice them anymore. I've gotten used to the brown as well - it's normal now. Hmm, you know, not a whole lot bugs me abt AZ. I miss seasons and rain though. I'll probably miss snow soon, too.
What is your usual breakfast/lunch?
Cereal is usual - so easy. Specifically, I really enjoy the Special K Granola. So good. But bagels is big too. Bagel french toast is an occasional thing. Never oatmeal - just too warm for mornings.
What are you favorite kinds of meals to be fed? What is the grossest thing you've been fed so far? Or something you get too much of?
Hmm, I really enjoy just real food & vegetables. We never get those it seems. We got roast with roasted potatoes & carrots & rolls last week. Oh my heck. It was good. Grossest? Subway's "chicken" breast sandwiches. Sick! Also Allibertos tacos are nast. All grease, no flavor. We get fed way too many subway sandwiches.
Where does the Mesa Temple rank among all the temples you've been in/seen? (As in prettiest, etc) And how often are you able to go do work inside the temple?
The outside is gorgeous, but no the prettiest. I really like the spires on temples. The inside is too dark for me - lots of darker stone & colors. I think Sac is still the prettiest inside (though inside Provo is nice.) We can go once a transfer (every six weeks).
What kind of goals do you often set for yourself?
We set "key indicator" goals daily, weekly & monthly. (How many lessons, referrals, new investigators, etc.) But more personal ones, I do, hmm....
As a missionary, what one item do you depend upon the very most every day?
Hmm, prayer. Though, technically that's not an item. After that my planner. W/O that I feel useless (where do we go? What's their address?) And if you need to leave a note. Planners are so important! Next is our phone. So hard to work w/o a cell phone. How Nath did it I'll never know.
When people ask where you are from do you say Texas, California, Colorado, or Utah?
Not California. Sorry, that's just where I'm flying "home" to. Not Texas (though A LOT of people ask where I'm from cause apparently I have an accent. I just tell them that I learned to talk in Texas. They usually accept that really easily. But I say Colorado. After that it would be Utah. I mean, that's kind of more true than CO. I always just felt like I was visiting when in CO.
What do they call your area of the mission?
"Las Sendas", though technically it's SU-23. The Superstition Zone or Salt River Stake really helps people get where we serve too.
Do you have a favorite scripture/spiritual thought/Gospel topic to share?
Not really - just try to find the one that will touch them the most & be what they need to hear. The 1st vision story is always nice though. The Spirit is always strong when you share that story.
On average, how many letters a week have you been getting in the mail? Are you feeling pretty up to date or out of the loop?
I've gotten quite a few, though each week varies a bit. Usually about 2, sometimes 3 a week. I feel a bit out of it, just cause I can't talk to people. I used to talk to people a lot more than now. Also, a lot of the letters don't really tell the full story, so I get confused. Like, "what!? what the heck?! What do you mean?"
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